Gray For Good …
A Global Campaign
What if all women were supported and celebrated for not coloring gray hair and used gray hair for good?
Gray For Good’s goal is simple, yet necessary:
Collectively celebrate all women-identified individuals who go gray and eradicate the gender equity gap by increasing charitable giving to women and girls focused causes.
What the what???!!!
Gray For Good estimates* a staggering $20.6 billion per year is spent by American women coloring their gray hair. Money that instead could go to women and girls-focused causes, which are drastically under-funded.
*Estimate based on $480 per year, per woman, at six times a year, at $80 per coloring, multiplied by 43M women (50% of 85.5M women in U.S. 35-79 years of age) = $20,640,000 per year.
Get Started
Tell the world the simple and serious ways you celebrate those who go gray for good.
Gray For Good Resonates
What is Gray For Good?
Gray For Good - For All Womanhood is a global grassroots campaign started in 2021. We are devoted to celebrating all women-identified individuals who go gray and eradicating the gender equity gap by increasing charitable giving to women and girls focused causes. Success will be tracked by increased number of women comfortable to go gray, stated dollars donated using the hashtag #GrayForGood, an increase in gray for good gestures, shares of the video, media and individual mentions of the campaign and more.
Why women’s charitable causes?
Nonprofits focused on women and girls only get 1.9% of all giving, and organizations devoted to women and girls of color receive mere pocket change from overall foundation giving.
How Are Donations Tracked?
Social media will measure donations given directly to a woman or girls cause from individuals:
Share a selfie and tag #GrayForGood
Choose a women or girl focused charity and tag @charity
State the amount ($) donating and donate
Don’t know a charity? Consider donating to The Women’s Philanthropy Institute, who exists to conduct, curate, and disseminate research that grows women’s philanthropy.
Why Julia Went #GrayForGood
“I don’t want to shame those who do color. What I am asking is that we shed shame for those who don’t and that we celebrate women's gray and shore up the disproportionate funding for women and girls focused causes.”
It all began with this feeling of loss and a feeling of a ritual gone wrong. Every single time I colored my hair, I felt like I was robotically going through the motions. Then one day…