The Goal

Gray For Good’s goal is simple, yet necessary: collectively celebrate all women-identified individuals who go gray and eradicate the gender equity gap by increasing charitable giving to women and girls causes. 

Go #GrayForGood

Women DO NOT need to color gray hair to maintain honor, reputation, confidence, appeal, and effectiveness.

Let’s finally eradicate the gender equity gap. 

Success will be tracked by:

  1. Stated dollars donated using the hashtag #GrayForGood.

    • Share a selfie and tag #GrayForGood

    • Choose a women's focused charity and tag @charity

    • State the amount ($) donating and donate

    Any donations not tagged to #grayforgood will not be able to count toward the overall goal of fundraising.

  2. Common use of “Gray For Good Gestures” like flipping your hair when you see a woman with gray (:54-:56 / 1:47-1:50 in the video).

  3. Number of Gray For Good website visitors.

  4. Media stories and articles mentioning Gray For Good.

  5. Confirmed cultural shift of women feeling celebrated and not penalized for our gray hair.

“Mothers, daughters, girlfriends too. 

If we had our way,

We’d have lots of pants pockets,

gray would be okay and we’d have equal pay.”

- Gray For Good video lyrics